
Psychologe richtig aussuchen

Choose the right psychologist

Finding the right psychologist or psychotherapist who can help you reduce panic and anxiety attacks is an important step toward recovery. Here are some extensive and detailed tips that can help ...

Tipps zur Bewältigung von Panikattacken während des Autofahrens

Tips for coping with panic attacks while driving

Panic attacks while driving can become a stressful situation that affects both safety and psychological well-being. It is important to understand that car panic attacks can occur and that there ...

Die Vorteile des Minimalismus für die mentale Gesundheit

The benefits of minimalism for mental health

In a society characterized by excess, consumption and the constant striving for more, minimalism is becoming increasingly important as a philosophy of life. Minimalism not only means reducing ma...

Die positiven Seiten von Stress

The positive sides of stress

Stress is a term that is often associated with negative associations such as pressure, overwork and discomfort. However, it is important to note that not all forms of stress are harmful. In fact...

7 Tipps für mehr Selbstliebe

7 tips for more self-love

It is natural that we evaluate and critically examine ourselves from time to time. However, excessive levels of self-evaluation and self-judgment can affect our well-being. Here are some tips th...

8 Tipps für mehr Selbstmitgefühl

8 tips for more self-compassion

In our hectic and demanding world, we often tend to criticize ourselves and have high expectations of ourselves. Self-compassion offers a counterpoint to this self-critical thinking and allows u...