Choose the right psychologist

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Finding the right psychologist or psychotherapist who can help you reduce panic and anxiety attacks is an important step toward recovery. Here are some extensive and detailed tips that can help you choose a suitable professional:

  1. Find out about different therapeutic approaches: There are different therapeutic approaches to treating anxiety and panic disorders. One of the most commonly recommended approaches is cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). CBT is based on the assumption that our thoughts, feelings and behaviors are connected. It aims to identify and change negative thought patterns and behaviors to reduce anxiety symptoms. There are also other approaches such as psychodynamic therapy, exposure therapy, EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) and mindfulness-based therapy. Educate yourself about these approaches and consider which approach suits you best.
  2. Consider the specialty: Psychologists and psychotherapists can have different specialties, such as clinical psychology, behavioral psychology or psychotherapy based on depth psychology. Make sure the therapist has knowledge and experience in treating anxiety and panic disorders. Check his education and qualifications to ensure he has the required expertise.
  3. Check qualifications: Make sure the therapist has the necessary qualifications and certifications. Many countries have specific certifications for psychotherapists that demonstrate in-depth training and experience in treating mental disorders. You can also look for memberships in professional associations that ensure high quality and professionalism.
  4. Experience Treating Anxiety and Panic Disorders: Ask the therapist about their experience treating anxiety and panic disorders. Ask how long he has been working in the field and how many patients he has successfully treated. A professional with specific experience can often better help you meet your specific needs. Ask for success stories or testimonials from previous patients to get a better understanding of the effectiveness of the treatment.
  5. Trust and Empathy: It is important that you feel comfortable and understood with your therapist. The therapist should show empathy towards you and create an open and supportive environment. A good therapeutic relationship is an important factor for the success of the treatment. Arrange an initial consultation with the therapist to see whether the chemistry between you is right and whether you feel comfortable.
  6. Get recommendations: Ask friends, family members, or your primary care doctor for recommendations for good psychologists or psychotherapists. Other people's experiences and reviews can help you find a qualified professional. Also, look online for reviews and feedback from previous patients.
  7. Cost and availability: When making your selection, also consider the cost and availability of the therapist. Find out in advance whether the therapist is covered by your health insurance and what costs you will incur, if any. Also pay attention to the therapist's geographical location and make sure you can keep regular appointments.
  8. Arrange an initial consultation: Schedule an initial consultation with the therapist to get to know them better and discuss your specific concerns. Use this conversation to find out whether there is chemistry between you and whether the therapist can help you with your needs. Ask the therapist questions about their approach, treatment methods, and treatment plan for your specific situation.

Choosing a suitable psychologist or psychotherapist requires time and research. Take the time to explore different options and ensure you feel comfortable and supported with your therapist. A good therapeutic relationship and a sound treatment method are crucial to the success of treating panic and anxiety attacks.

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